Monday, May 9, 2016

Summer of Magic

As evidenced by a variety of posts on this blog, I am a huge fan of Disney animation. It is something that I grew up with and continue to admire and hold dear to this day. Every time I watch one of Disney's films, I stand in utter amazement at the timelessness of the stories and characters. Whether you're six or sixty, these films speak to the very essence of our humanity while entertaining us from beginning to end and challenging us to examine life from a brand new perspective.

Perhaps the greatest praise for these films is that every viewing yields a new takeaway for me, which has inspired me to embark on a summer long journey revisiting these classic films. Starting tomorrow (May 10), I will begin what I am calling the "Summer of Magic." Throughout this summer, my goal is to watch (hopefully) every Disney animated film from 1937 to the present day while occasionally watching a live action film as well for good measure. I will, obviously, start with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and then will continue to watch one film a day until either the summer ends or I finish Disney's latest films. Additionally, upon watching each film, I plan on posting a review featuring a variety of my thoughts on the films. My reviews will consist of the following criteria:
  • Rating- I will be operating on a scale of 1-10 with ten being the highest rating possible. A majority of these films will receive high ratings because I have never seen a Disney movie that I did not enjoy in any aspects whatsoever.
  • Historical Significance- Every film has importance in the history of the studio, and I believe everyone needs to know about that importance.
  • Behind the Scenes- There are some excellent stories from the making of these films, and I simply must share them with you.
  • Favorite Character- These films live and die by their characters.
  • Favorite Scene- Oftentimes, these will be the highlights/defining moments of the film.
  • Favorite Song (if applicable)- Disney music is generation-defining. I cannot wait to single one out when I watch a musical.
  • Miscues- While it is rare that I will even have anything for this category, there will be some occasions where I will discuss the flaws of the film.
  • Updated Ranking- As I watch these films, I will undertake the seemingly impossible task of ranking these films for my definitive Disney animated films list. 
I hope you can join me on this summer journey! I understand that most of you probably will not be able to watch every single movie, but if you know I am discussing a film on a certain day, I implore you to watch it and send me your thoughts (find me on Twitter: @InsideDisney407)! Let's make this a Summer of Magic!

-Cody Fleenor

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